Buy/Sell/Trade Paddling Gear

The NECKRA Classifieds are temporarily offline. They will return early in 2024.

Clear out your garage or up your game with new gear.

You can use this page to sell your paddling-related items or to help find an item you want. You can do this by completing a new ad request. If you have a classified ad, please remember to submit an ad removal request when your ad is no longer relevant.

Request a New Classified Ad

Remove an Existing Ad


Classified Ad Policy

Classified ads on the NECKRA website are limited to non-commercial individuals and organizations. Listings found to be in violation of this policy, will be removed.

Ads older than one year will be removed.

Important message to those posting ads:
Please be very careful of e-mail scam situations. Be especially skeptical of offers to buy your item for much more than the asking price. This is a common scam that tries to get you to accept a large check and send a reimbursement out before their check bounces. Bottom Line: If you don't feel comfortable with the sale, then don't do it.