Race Directors
Photo by Jamie Doucette
Race Director Guide
Organizing and hosting a race can be intimidating for new race directors. Long-time race directors Priscilla Reinertsen and Rosemary Longo-Nutt have written a guide to help.
Reporting Results
The timely reporting of results is appreciated by both competitors and those who were unable to make your race this year.
Photos of results are good for quickly getting the results out on social media or email, but for those who tabulate points for the race or post the results online, typed results are much appreciated.
Results can be sent to: stephen.miller@pobox.com
The file formats used for reporting results can be:
plain text (much preferred)
Excel (not as good as text)
Word (not preferred)
PDF (not preferred, since I usually need to retype the results)
Photos of results (discouraged, since I will need to retype the results and read someone’s bad handwriting)
For class descriptions, use:
C1, C2, C4, K1, K2, Surfski, SUP, etc
Men, Women, Mixed, Adult/Youth, etc
Other additional descriptors are OK, too
For results, use spaces to separate names and times. For a boat with one paddler, use their first and last name, separated by spaces followed by the time. For multiple paddlers in the same boat, list the first and last name for the first paddler followed by the first and last name of the second paddler with the time at the end.
The ideal format for race results would be plain text in an email and it might look like the following:
course: Long course
class: C2 Mixed
Lisa McSalley John Francis 1:22:02
Jane Wilson Larry Fustos 1:23:33
class: C1 Men
John Jones 1:28:04
Rick Smith 1:28:33
class: C4 Mixed
Larry Menable Carol Langley Shirley Canles Jacob Smith 1:18:43
class: K1 Women
Mary Prosco 1:24:02
Amy Twona 1:25:13
course: Short Course
class: SUP Women
Ellen McHugh 0:58:02
Erin Johnson 1:01:15
class: C2 Adult/Youth
Joseph Quigley Tonya Quigley 1:13:56